Who Was Jared Diamond?

Unit Two Recap, Revisit, and Reflect

Unit two is about guns, germs, steel, Jared Diamond, and his theory of geographic luck. Guns, people started to discover new technologies and guns were one of them. Along with guns was steel, people made steel swords instead of copper or bronze swords. Steel was a tougher metal that wouldn't bend or dull as easily as all other metals. Germs? Germs were used on accident and on purpose in many ways to destroy many people

....this is Jared Diamond

Diamond had this theory of geographic luck. It is basically saying where ever you live, what you have is what you got because you live where you do.... if that makes any sense i don't know. This theory ties into many people. People that live in New Guinea or Africa. Small or large countries, some people are drowning in poverty because of where they live. The climate in certain areas can effect the way people grow crops or do their chores. Also domestic animals, some areas have certain kinds of animals only, while other places have animals from all around the world. South America has llamas and Spain has horses. America is a mix of everything. Animals that are domesticated included the following, llamas, camels, water buffalo, reindeer, cows, goats, sheep, pigs, yaks, donkeys, horses, dogs, sheep, oxen, and more. People though, had more than just animals, they had found steel.

steel swords were carried by men as a casual thing

malaria was one major disease then and now

Steel swords were produced and used in The and for wars.people who used bronze who used bronze swords didn't win. Weapons made of steel can be made sharp and kept sharp for a longer amount of time. Having a dull sword doesn't work very well, you might end up with only a weapon that you can hit people with. Another major player was disease. Yes, germs, spread by accident and/or on purpose to rid cities of all inhabitants. Malaria and small pox were only two of the many diseases spread and killed many. Areas like South America and the Incan people suffered from some factors like people in Africa. Disease killed many and was very unfortunate.

Incan Empire ruins

More recently, people in marashoni, kenya, are losing homes, losing food, losing all hope of something good to come along. People in this region of Africa are natural born forest dwellers. They have hunted game, honey from beehives, and now are being driven away by others. They depend on these animals and the animals resources to live. Thier "geographic luck" isn't very good, so hunting is all they have.

People in Africa sometimes have to hunt for food

In my opinion, Jared Diamond is a great man. He does was his instincts tell him to do, when he is following his mind and soul he is discovering things. These things some people have dreamed of seeing, things people didn't believe exsisted, he is a good man. He cares about people and has spent much time figuring out why that people living in such terrible conditions are living that way and not living in the highest hill in California.

Do you believe in Jared Diamond's theory of geographic luck? Where does everyone stand in the world and is there hope?

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