What was the 2nd Industrial Revolution?

Unit 3 Recap, Revisit, and Reflect

This section we learned is all about urbanization, industrialization, and the second industrial revolution itself. The late 19th, early 20th centuries were a time of invention. The second industrial revolution, more people came forward with amazing but out of this world inventions. Henry Ford, guess what he made... a refrigerator.... no but good guess. He was the founder of that little car company everyone might know as FORD! Wow, a little idea of his and still is a big thing today, the car, or they might have known it as the horseless carriage. He wasn't the only person with a good idea. Thomas Edison and his light bulb, Micheal Faraday and the dynamo, steel, chemicals, assembly lines. Things were getting done, getting made, and people were changing how things worked.

that car went from horseless to....

.....too horsefull, a mustang could have over 550 horsepower

Many inventions were not the only things roaming around in this era. Urbanization and industrialization played a big part. This was basically people getting cleaned up, realizing bad hygiene was killing more people than disease itself and that sometimes you had to move from farm areas to the city to get to work. Joseph Lister and Florence Nightingale both saw that dirty hospitals were more of a death trap than a health facility. Florence opened the first nursing hospital and insisted better hygiene practices should be taken. Joseph's practice was to wash your hands and sterilize your tools before a surgery to prevent infections. Hospitals were a serious threat, if you were injured and sent to a hospital you were usually poor. High class people would stay home and recieve a better treatment.

hospitals were just dirty beds for you to die in

If you could go anywhere in the world and live there for a week, where would it be? Well I myself would want to go to Europe. Europe is such a beautiful place, and its home to london, berlin, madrid, some of the most amazing cities in the world. I would go to Barcelona, Spain. Why? hmmm, barcelona is near the ocean and I am in love with any coastal area. Many people take cruises or just a day out on the boat, and I've heard some of my family say the oceans of Spain are some of the most beautiful they have ever seen. I would very much like to enjoy that myself. But, by some recent articles I've read should this be the place for me? It seems there was a parade, a celebration turns into a battle between rioters and the police. Teargas grenades were set off... fire rose from the streets in Barcelona...doesn't sound like people enjoy a little celebration.

just a little ocean-side resort to get away from everything

In my opinion, industrialization and urbanization helped everyone move on. Sometimes people even today are a little skiddish to move on to the next big thing. We achieved that light bulb. We achieved man on the moon. Just because something might seem a little farfetched doesn't mean it's a terrible idea. Always keep your mind open to new possiblities. Who knows we could be living on that little rock that isn't a planet anymore, ya know pluto? We might find something on pluto that could cure cancer... something on mars to show us life is possible... something past space that no one has ever seen before. People tell you to think outside the box... I guess there is only one box. How about you make your own box, your own ideas, try something new, and see if it works

What will you find next? Are you going to be a part of the next revolution and make a change?

1 comment:

  1. I love your concluding thoughts here and the 'challenge' question! Great thinking.
