What I Learned in Semester 1 was...

Unit 5... no... Review Units 1 through 4

Semester one was filled with LOADS of sugary goodness.. cooking class? no, history class. Now, honest to goodness, I was the one who always hated history class. But turns out I just needed support and some funky way of learning things. History was always the frustrating, boring class. Same everything, take notes.... memorize dates, wars, people, blah blah blah.... stale, dry, boring facts that no one cares about. It happened in the past why can't it stay in the past? Well, I learned that a history book isn't all just about the past, it is today in the pasts words. Someone might say history class is for learning past mistakes so we don't make them today. Well, I guess even the great rulers of past days didn't pay very good attention in class. Anything in a history book, someone could point out today in a different scenario.

I want everyone, hence many hands, to find history today

Somethings people aren't aware of or don't care for...poverty existed a couple hundred years ago... what do you see now still in some areas of the world, oh what's that? Poverty!? Yeah, it's still there, and sometimes people need to take a step back and see what they can do to help certain places like that. How about that Afghanistan? I never knew about how the Taliban controlled women in such a way that they did, and still kinda do. I always knew the Taliban was bad men and what not, but how they treated others was terrible. Jared Diamond? That is one amazing dude right there! He went to those countries of poverty and tried to DOOOOO something. He was confronted with the situations those people go through, he saw first hand, what some children go through in hospitals. He said it himself, you don't know you actually care until it happens right in front of you. Nationalism, caused problems but also strengthened other places.. is it bad or good? hmmmm....one more thing... most important thing of all... I learned that the man named Otto von Bismarck.... wore pointy hats!!!! no... just kidding... wasn't just the facts, I learned history was more fun than I thought.

Are you bored of being bored in history?... make it fun... it's possible. (:


  1. Your blog is great! Such thoughtful discussion everywhere, and I especially love the way you integrate questions that not only show you are thinking -- they cause MORE thinking! Amazing. Thank you for your effort on this. I won't say I'll miss you because I know you'll be by to tag my white board, right?

  2. thanks mrs lawson :D i will most definately be by to tag your board!
