I can speak for our whole class when I say that everyone learned something about Afghanistan. Whether it was food, military, people, etc., there is definitely many things to learn about this not so wonderful place. My research was on the women living in Afghanistan, nothing specific, just women and girls in general. The things they go through...

I felt I was to be quiet while wearing this, I don't know what it was...
More recently, they had an election. The people of Afghanistan re-elected President Karzai. According to an article I've read Karzai is okay with the fact, United States President, Barack Obama is sending 30,000 more troops over to Afghanistan, and that the Taliban agreed to "escalate the eight-year war." Afghanistan is becoming a worse place to live as we know it, it will soon turn into a big hole in the earth's crust. The war is still going on, and we, the U.S., are in hope for it to end soon. Both presidents are trying to do what is best for their countries. As long as Afghanistan can stand, I want to go there myself and let the people there know, hope is present.

In my opinion, everything happening in Afghanistan is something hard to deal with. Every little child, every small animals, every grown man and woman, see people blown up. They see houses and schools engulfed in flames. They are living in something we might know as Hell. A big fiery pit of death with no end. Afghanistan is in a situation where no one can see or find hope. If I was there as a local Afghan I might not want to leave, if it was possible. If it was possible, maybe not even then. People in Afghanistan may have no hope for the future, but they can still be proud of what they still have. Nationalism plays a big part in some of these people's lives. Not wanting to go because they are proud of where they live. They stand for there country even if they aren't out on the battlefield showing it.